Madgette has lost her first tooth!!!
She was very scared, and cried a little, but she wanted to pull it herself rather than allow any of us to put our fingers in her mouth. I am a little concerned that her grown up tooth is already poking through and it seems like it is set back about 1/8 an inch further back than her other one.
I need some info from those of you who have already raised kids. Do the new teeth come in under the old ones, or are the supposed to come in behind them?
Anyway, the tooth fairy will be making her first stop at the Madge...and a Half home tonight!
Sooooo what's hairdo about? Is she auditioning for Milli Vannilli? Are yall visiting Jamaica any time soon? Is she a hippy?
The tooth is totally over shadowed by her weave.
we did little braids after her bath, that way when we unbraided it this morning it would be really crinkly-- come on, you have to think like a 6 year old!
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