A quick update: Julie is feeling much better, but the Razorback's foot is not much better. It is still hurting him and is swelling pretty bad.
We left her with the other students in her class, and went to secure some seats. Before the ceremony started, the entire theatre was packed. My friend Tree informed me that she had counted the number of seats and their were 1,200 seats. At least 1,000 of those seats were being used. Of course, they were promoting 13 kindergarten classes that night and had 13 more to do the
following night. When Mrs. C's class was announced I snuck up front to snap a few pics.
After it was all over, her daddy gave her a small bouquet of flowers and told her how proud of her he was. Somehow it just means more for a little girl to hear those words from her daddy. Today she had her last day of school party and I was able to get away from my campus long enough to go pay a visit. She is very happy that summer is here, and so am I! Mommy-daughter time is about to begin. Woo-hoo!!!
Our baby is growing up. It makes me so happy to see her turning into such a sweet, kind little lady. I love her so much!
please give my girl a BIG hug for me! Goodness, her hair is getting so long!
I'd love to grab lunch sometime and catch up! I miss my little social butterfly!
-'Ms. Jennifer'
Oh, such a sweet family. You are so blessed. Such a girly girl (when she wants to be!)
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