Monday, November 17, 2008

If it Weren't for Bad Luck...

You all know the old saying, if it weren't for bad luck we wouldn't have any luck at all. This must be the motto that is following me above my head like in the cartoons. Today the battery in the Yukon died while the Razorback was waiting in the car rider line to pick up Madgette. Needless to say, I did not get to stay and help our music teacher get decorations done for the 4th grade musical. We had to go purchase another battery with $100 we do not have.
Not to long ago, our other car drowned. Razorback traded the Benz he bought for an old, ugly truck that he is not fully confident in driving back and forth to his classes. So we are all still riding together.
There are many other issues that I will not be posting on the internet. Just know that the Madge...and a Half family would appreciate any and all prayers at this time. Specifically, strength for the Razorback to make it through school, less financial problems, and the ability to provide Christmas for 2 girls.


Momma Pug said...

Don't worry. I cannot control much in this world, but I can ensure those girls have Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Santa who? Momma Pug and I are on this like white on rice!!