Saturday, August 28, 2010

Eventful Day...

Folks- I made one horrible mistake. I threatened all my family members last night that if anyone woke me this morning their life would be in serious danger. Of course that meant that I would DEFINITELY not get to sleep in. What was I thinking?!?!

This morning at 7:30 a.m. my sweet daughter comes in and "whispers" in her best whisper voice (which we all know was not a whisper) that there was bloody footprints all over the floor and she had investigated. (Doesn't that make you feel better?) Needless to say we hopped right up to confirm the investigation.

We did confirm the small person's testimony of blood throughout the house. We found that our poor cat, Audi, was indeed injured. Once we finally located her and managed to catch her (after a blood spattering chase) we attempted to clean the wound so we could see how bad it was. One thing was for sure- this angry, injured cat was going to have no part of our "cleaning." We quickly decided that a trip to the vet was in order.

We got a few clothes on besides our PJ's and headed to the local vet. The receptionist knew there was trouble as soon as we walked in the door with a cat wrapped up in a towel and crying. She also was very quick to tell us that they could not help us this morning due to their already packed schedule. However, she was kind enough to call a vet around the corner and see if they could help us.

We headed to the next vet and they took her back right away. As we filled out the necessary paperwork, Madgette told the entire story to the receptionist. We were ushered back to a room while they took an initial look at Audi, then they were kind enough to give us an estimate. While we were waiting my daughter filled my heart with amazement. She decides out of the blue to ask if we can pray for the cat. I answered, "of course" and we all gathered around and held hands. She took and deep breath and said, "I don't know what to say- anybody got anything?" I held my laughter and I prayed for us.

When it was all said and done we left the vet with Audi's leg all bandaged up and the hope that she would make it. After we got home Richard worked really hard to get all the blood cleaned up and was pretty successful. My BFF came over and we spent the entire rest of the day getting Queen B Designs up and running online.

We also finished a couple of dresses that we started last weekend. I must say we are impressed with ourselves- we actually finished them both. Even though someone may have forgotten to cut holes in the bottom of one of the dresses- we did not make the worlds largest tote bag. We made the corrections and finished them much to our delight.

We worked until after my normal bedtime before she finally decided that she had cracked the whip enough for one day. But we did get a lot accomplished towards our little business...

A busy day for sure, and I didn't do any of my real work that I should have done to get ready for the week, or catch up on any sleep but it was a great day with my family and best friend. I just hope my poor cat gets better soon!

1 comment:

taters77 said...

I feel your pain...last week our dog's tail got caught in the door and the tip came off. There was blood splattered all up and down the hall and 3 feet up all the walls because he ran around wagging it as the blood spewed out. It took us 2 days to clean all the blood off the walls and floor. It looked like someone was murdered!