Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Laid Up

Those of you who have known me for a while will not be suprised-- I have hurt myself. I wish I had a great story of great entertainment to explain what I have done. My chirporactor says it is a several mini-traumas that have gotten to me and Tuesday was the final straw. So here is the story of all the dumb things I have done to get myself in this shape.
1. Took a HUGE fall in Gallery Furniture in August. Landed on my right leg and rear end.
2. Carrying/moving boxes in my new classroom
3. Loading a small desk in the Yukon by myself (as well as a headboard and footboard)
4. Last straw- putting away the christmas yard decorations.

I was carrying a tub of lights across the front yard to the shed in back when all of a sudden my lower back began to hurt. I put the tub down and called for Richard because I could not stand up straight. He assisted me into the house, and we waited to see if it would get better. Needless to say, it did not get better. I spent the night awake in the recliner. First thing the next morning we called the best chiropractor in the entire state of TX- Dr. Bruce Guillory. He got me an appointment for later in the day and we went to see him. He asked some questions, looked at my hips/legs and showed The Razorback how out of place my hips were. When he placed his hands on my hips, his right hand was at least 6 inches higher than his left hand. My hips are majorly off kilter. Then he gave his diagnosis- it is an SI joint injury. He started treatment by hooking me up to 4 electrodes for about 20 minutes, then followed that with an ultrasound, and finally he did a very small adjustment (it was small because nothing wanted to move!). He sent me home with directions to put ice on it for 30 minutes every hour.

I also had directions to meet him at his office today so he could do another treatment even though he is normally closed on Wednesdays. (Did I mention he is the best chiropractor in TX?) Anyway, he says it will probably be at least a week before I am fully able to walk correctly and function again. I told him I m supposed to go back to work on Monday, ane he told me we would see- he could write me an excuse for work. I told him I did not want to take time off- I wanted to be fixed. He looked at me with all the tolerance a Doctor can muster, and told me that he would see me 2 more times before Monday and we would do everything we could.

So while you are praying for our little gal pal Phebs, lift up a prayer that I will be able to walk again soon without looking like a cripple and that I will be able to return to work on Monday as scheduled.


Barbara said...

Has anyone mentioned to you that you might be related to ME!! Let me preach what I DON'T practice--in order for you to go and do what you would like to do later you have got to get well from this injury. If you risk messing it up further, you could be in real trouble. Listen to the doctor, missy!!

Chonda said...

Oh girl! SI joint is nothing to play with!! I know exactly how you feel, but with mine, I had no idea what I done to get mine out of wack...and it took much more than a week for my dr to get me back straight! I can still turn a certain way and I'm on the floor in pain..but I'm a whole lot more careful! Hope you get to feeling better!! Take care and as Nana says Listen to the DR!!!