Sunday, December 14, 2008

Merry Christmas

This weekend has been a fun one to say the least. Yesterday was our family baking day. Madgette and Julie helped to make oreo balls and rice krispie treats. We also made haystacks and oyster cracker treats. As soon as I can get rid of this headache this morning we are going to make toffee, fudge, and caramels.
My friend Janet taught me how to make all this wonderful candy, and motivated me to want to make Christmas goodies each year. After doing "baking day" with her ust one year, I knew this was something I would need to do every year. I also knew it would be something I wanted to raise Madgette to do. Madgette kept asking why we were doing this- was there a party, was I taking it to school? My only answer was that it was Christmas time and it's something fun we do.

Madgette has her children's choir performance at church tonight. She is in the kindergarten choir and the pre-k and k choir will perform first, then the 1st-4th grade choir will perform. My girl has been asked to sing the first verse of "Away in a Manger" with the 1st-4th grade choir. I am so proud, my chest might explode!

Tuesday night she has her program at school and has been given one of the speaking parts. She is playing the role of the grandmother, and her teacher says she knows her parts, and the parts of all her friends. I know she will be great- she is such a dramatic child! (Does anyone have any idea where she gets that? I can't figure it out! lol)

So, we are having a great weekend and are looking forward to the week to come. I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season!


Momma Pug said...

I am sorry about the you-know-what not coming thru. It really hacks me off because I know you would have been perfect.

I love you and am thinking about you.

Madge said...

Really not a big deal. I am totally ok with it!

Barbara said...

Making and giving Christmas goodies is one of the most fun things I do this time of year. What a great tradition to start with your baby girl!!