Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words

In the picture the mailbox is really on the edge of the street, and the light pole is on the other side of the street.

Well folks,
This was the scene in front of my house this afternoon by 2 pm after the rain blessed us. There was a large number of stalled out cars in the main street we turn off of. We decided to park at the end of our street in a neighbor's side driveway (thanks neighbors!) and wade home. Razorback went and spoke with the homeowners just to make sure it was ok, and off we went. I am sure we looked like the village idiot family. We were holding an umbrella and wading through water on the sidewalks that went up to our knees. The Razorback finally got tired of waiting on us slow girls and took off. I know he was probably home a good solid 3 minutes before we were.

When we made it to our front porch, we stood and watched some teenagers swimming in the middle of the street. They were standing up straight and the water went up to their armpits. They were having a blast! Madgette called it a "halleluejah flood" which just cracked me up.

We are all just waiting for it to go down so we can go back and get the truck, then go pick up the dogs from the groomers. We also have tickets to go see the Astros tonight- so we are really hoping that the weather clears out before tonight's game.


Momma Pug said...

I am surprised your crafty, project-loving husband didn't see this as the perfect opportunity to construct an arch.

Madge said...

Don't forget- we already have a boat without a motor in the driveway. I am sure one water craft project at a time for him is enough.