Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Crazy Days

Julie has hurt the back of her foot somehow and her school nurse sent her home. I had to go pick her up and she was more upset that she wouldn't get to spend time with her friends than she was about her foot. Today was one of the last few days the school was running a normal schedule so she would go through class with her friends.

My heart goes out to her. She cried most of the way home today. We stopped and checked Madgette out of school so we wouldn't have to drive back over and pick her up. She has her kindergarten graduation tonight, as well as her awards ceremony. She is supposed to be recieving two awards tonight- that is a blog to come.

The Razorback made us an excellent lunch today since we camoe home early. Yum, yum! I was starving! Then he took on the job of figuring out Julie's insurance and which doctor we could take her to without paying a fortune. Well, it is time to get off and take her to the Doctor. There is more to come soon!

1 comment:

Barbara said...

How much longer is she going to be here? I hope her foot is ok.