Friday, May 8, 2009

Our News

As usual at this time of year, life is hectic, crazy, and wonderful. This week Julie had her Athletic Awards Banquet on Monday night and it went very well. Tons of people showed up and when her coach called her name he introduced her as our guest from South Korea who was extremely sweet and a joy to have on the team. Also, if he could talk the athletic director into it, he would like to give her a letterman jacket. It made her very happy!

Madgette had her end of the year honor choir performance last night. There were 7 schools participating all the way from kindergarten to seniors in high school. Each choir performed 2 songs, then they came together to sing one song for the grand finale. Over 300 students crammed onto the stage. It was amazing! Brothers and sisters who were years apart in school got to sing on the same stage. The sound was wonderful! They sang "Step into the Spotlight" and the chorus to that song has been stuck in my head all day. (At least it's a good song)

I am so thankful that we have been blessed to be able to have music in Madgette's life and that she loves it. There is nothing about music and dancing that child doesn't love.

This weekend we are in a softball tournament for her league team. We know we play Saturday at 12:30 and at 6:30. It is going to be super-hot so please keep all the girls on your minds. Depending how we wind up in the bracket on Saturday, we will play several more games on Sunday. So we will be working on our tans this weekend for sure!

Oh- I almost forgot to tell you about the latest addition to the family. Today we (which means the Razorback) got a new puppy for our house. We have had so many things stolen here, we decided we wanted a big dog that can scare people away from our back yard. So we now have a German Shepard, Lab Mix puppy. She is extremely smart and has shown that already today. She watches the other dogs and learns from what they do. She responds to the name Cloey so that is what is sticking so far. I think we are only a few animals short of being named as a branch of the Houston Zoo...

Hope everyone has a great and safe weekend- Happy Mother's Day to all the other Mom's out there!

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