Saturday, June 13, 2009


Most of the time Madgette and I have a summer routine that rocks. We get up and have breakfast, clean up around the house, and then head out to do something fun like go to the pool, go by the library, or something cool. I feel SO bad for her this summer. My heart just breaks for her!
Since I have had surgery I have not been able to drive or take her around like we normally do. The finances also are not helping us much. Maybe I shouldn't have had this done- we would be in much better shape if I hadn't. I am trying to follow doctor's orders by resting and not driving or lifting anything. It is really hard though! I am bored out of my mind- books have helped some, but they only occupy me for about a day and then I need another one.
Anyway, since R quit coaching softball Madgette has nothing to do and she is driving us up a wall with her energy. Which in turn makes me feel extremely guilty because I know that I normally keep her more occupied. Her dad has a phobia of public pools and we don't have a neighborhood pool so she is about to die to go swimming. I have taken her out and let her play in the sprinkler, but it's just not the same.
So the sum of summer so far is that it stinks!


Momma Pug said...

Oh honey. You HAD TO HAVE THE SURGERY. Because I am crazy, I was convinced that if you did not that you would die. And I can't have you die because you are my best friend. You are more than a friend. You are a sister. So don't second guess the surgery. A lot of things put us in financial holes, many of which we could avoid. But surgery is not one of them. It is soundly on the list of things that ONE MUST HAVE. (This list also includes chocolate, rum and air conditioning.) So you did what had to be done. While you rest, her daddy is going to have to just play surrogate entertainer. Everything happens for a reason and God has put Richard at home this summer as part of that plan. He doesn't have to go to the public pool.... but he does have to entertain that baby until her mama is well. Now, you just need to focus all that energy on something. I should bring by some of my sewing projects. I am behind behind behind on.... Hmmmmm.... You are so going to wish that you hadn't said you were bored.

Anonymous said...

Truly medical issues have to be taken care of, they are not a luxury but a necessity. What else do you have if you don't have your health right? Plus it could have gotten worse had you not had it right which would have required a longer "healing" time and more money. Hope you continue to feel better -P