Friday, June 26, 2009

You Get What You Pay For

I know you have heard the old saying "you get what you pay for" and here is yet another example of how true old sayings can be. Back in April, we decided to get a new set of mattresses due to back pain when we woke up every morning. We looked and looked around town but just didn't want to pay what was being asked at all the furniture stores.
So we looked online and found someone off of Craig's List that had a storage unit of mattresses left over from a closed mattress store. (So the story goes) The price was reasonable, and they were willing to deliver so we called them up and ordered. Neither one of us had anymore back pain even though the mattress was a little more firm than our previous set.

On another front, our cat has decided she wants to be an indoor/outdoor cat instead of a permanent indoor cat. She comes and goes as she pleases, but spends most of her time outside. She seems to enjoy the outdoors more- I guess there is more to do. She started coming back in during the day and sleeping during the day on our bed.

Soon after we began to notice that we were getting bitten every night while we were in bed. After a little looking, we discovered that we had bed bugs. I was honestly suprised! I didn't think they were real- I thought it was just another old saying "don't let the bedbugs bite" So we aren't sure if the little critters came from the cat, or from the seller. According to what we have read on the net, animals don't usually carry them which leads us to believe that we definitely got what we paid for!

Anyone have a great idea where I can get a free set of mattresses without bugs? Mine are sitting on the front porch...


oceandog said...
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oceandog said...

You can spray the matts you have and get rid of the bugs. They make special "stuff" the treat them with. Might check with a dr or a vet. But I don't think pets carry them often. I read recently that a lot of motel matts have bedbugs and that they are on the rise. They are a pain and they make you itch like crazy.

Madge said...

We tried the "stuff" and fumigated them twice- it didn't work. I refused to sleep on them. The razorback finally gave them away with a full disclosure.

Anonymous said...

after the hurricane i slept on a dual air mattress-until my cat popped it! i found a queen set on craigslist for free a few months ago and i've never slept better! keep looking!!!