Monday, October 13, 2008

Hurricane Pics

There have been several blogs that I have posted since Hurricane Ike blew onto the Texas coast last month. I finally have enough time to show you all what we experienced. The first picture is of my local HEB (grocery store) when they reopened on generator power. We were just glad to be able to get out even if there was not anything cold to eat.

The second picture is of the HUGE tree that was down at the end of our street. Unfortunately, it was located on private property and the electric company would not touch it. Therefore, our side of the street was without power for many, many days. The homeowners stayed out of town due to the wife being ill- I mean who would want to sit in the Texas heat especially if you were sick. Make sure you notice the full size trampoline that has been crushed underneath it.

The next 2 pictures are of our house. Julie is showing the world our mailbox that was in the middle of our yard. We promptly replaced it with a pretty one. We also had several branches
down in the front yard. The next door neighbors told us that the city had come through before we came home and pulled the huge limbs out of the yard and chopped them up. What good luck for us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad the damage wasn't worse. Julie is lovely! And I loved Madgette's comment...if Hurricane Nana is anything like our Nana, it will be powerful, strong, and fascinating....but won't hurt anyone! :)