Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Night Out

Tonight I had to fulfill a little payback for The Razorback. He has helped work on my student council's homecoming float and it was wonderful. He made arrangements for me to sing with a live band at a local western dance pub. So we got the girls fed, and Madgette tucked into bed before we took off. I must admit I was a little excited, and a little nervous.
Upon arrival we made ourselves at home and got adjusted to the place. The evening wore on, and The Razorback and I finally decided to hit the dance floor and do a two-step. This may have been the biggest mistake in our evening. Obviously, once you step on the dance floor you become available to everyone. I was asked to dance by a short little man, and I looked straight at my husband who I assumed would say No. To my suprise he told me to go ahead, and the short little man escorted me onto the dance floor before I knew what had happened.
As many of you know, I was married at 19 so I have only danced with my husband (except the mandatory high school dances). Needless to say, I was VERY uncomfortable. I saw my husband get up and come out to the dance floor and I breathed a sigh of relief. I just knew he was coming to rescue me by cutting in. I then received my second suprise of the evening-- he was dancing with another woman!!!
Fast forward another hour- I am on the stage singing a little Patsy Cline and the lady he had danced with earlier comes over and wraps her arm around my hubby to inquire if he is alone. He tells her "No, I am here with my wife. She is the one on the stage singing." Can you believe that she continued to question him? She acted suprised that he was with me-the big fat girl. After all of this, we found out that the guy who had asked me to dance was her brother. He was getting me out of the way for his sister.

Oh yes, another entertaining and sad note- I overheard 2 ladies talking in the bathroom. One says to the other "Yeah, I am working on number 5- I need a new babies daddy." It was almost all I could do not to fall off the toilet and convulse into laughter. Then a stroke of sadness came over me as I thought about that baby and the type of inconsistent home life that child must have.
During another restroom trip, I hear one lady say to another "Betty-Lou you said you had to get away from them kids- why you keep calling 'em?" Of course this made me think of Madgette who I do not like to leave. If we cannot do things as a family, we do not do them. I felt bad for that child also. This is the point in the evening where I knew it was time to go home. Maybe I am becoming an old lady but I believe in the old saying "Dance with the one that brung ya" and that your children should be the first priority in your life. I discovered I like my nights at home with my daughter and husband. These are the days of my life, and the ones I love- not the ones where I go out in public and get humiliated.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

There is so much truth to this story but I am laughing so hard. I can just see you sitting there listening to the others talk!! I can see you getting ready to attack RB for not rescuing you! Nights at home with family are the best--even with PB&J! :)