Monday, August 4, 2008

Kindergarten...Here She Comes!

Today was a momentous day for our family. Kindergarten registration! We arrived at her school this morning to be greeted by a huge line. We stood surrounded by families of other pre-k and kindergarten children- most of whom spoke Spanish as their native language. We waited in all the lines, filled out all the paperwork, and succeeded in registering this small young lady.

This event has reminded me of how outgoing she is. Madgette has never met a stranger- (wonder where she gets that?) and will start a conversation with anyone she sees. While most of the little hispanic girls were staying close to their mothers and being shy, Madgette would walk right over to them and greet them with a very cheerful "Hola!"

How is it that she is old enough to start public school? She was just being born the other day- broken leg, messed up neck, crooked fingers, and all. The Razorback and I are very, very blessed to have a healthy, vibrant, intelligent daughter. She amazes us on a daily basis with something she does or says. Is she spoiled? Maybe. Is she loved? Tremendously and without a doubt!!!

1 comment:

Barbara said...

You are right-she was just born yesterday! I can't believe she's in school. Have a great year and get better soon.