Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Razorback's New Toy

Hello all,

His name is The Razorback, and he is a craigslist bartering addict. He loves to trade stuff. He traded a Mercedes Benz for an ugly, horrible, terrible truck which we nicknamed the Beast. He traded a laptop for a fiberglass boat. He has now traded the beast for a motorcyle. A 1979 Honda Goldwing to be exact. He is very excited about this trade. You ask, does he have a motorcycle license? Of course not! Has he ever driven a motorcycle? Yes, but not since 1988--just 20 years ago!

His mom is having a small coronary attack-- she has threatened his life if he has a wreck. She is also trying to get a promise of Madgette never plopping her rear end on it. Madgette will not be on it anytime soon. That much I can promise. I am a little to scared of it to let my baby get on it. Plus, the Razorback has told her he has to be 150% comfortable with driving it before he will even entertain the idea of riding her around the block.

I used a cane to get myself out the front door so I could get a look at it. It was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Check it out for yourself, then leave me a comment and let me know what you think!


Momma Pug said...

I think this is the craziest trade so far.

We are not motorcycle people. We don't have enough balance required to operate such devices.

Please NEVER let my Madgette on the thing. I just have horrific images of what could happen.

Madge said...
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Momma Pug said...

I am tired of this post. A new one is needed. I have posted TWICE since you told me too and now you are TOTALLY the pot calling the kettle black.

Barbara said...

Couldn't he take up fishing instead of that????? I hate motorcycles--never let baby girl on it!!!!! I will haunt you if you do. He's gotta get a new hobby!! Maybe cooking!!

Anonymous said...

I would have killed him. I feel the need to jump in the car, drive to your house, and give him a good ass whoppin'.