Thursday, February 19, 2009

...and a half

We met with Madgette's teachers this afternoon. We all agreed that she should have not put her hands on another student. However, I am still of the firm belief that she was provoked. My little girl would not attack another human being. In all the privacy laws, they weren't able to tell us much but they will be moving the girls apart from each other. They will also be keeping a close eye on BB to make sure she doesn't push another child's buttons. As an after thought, I guess I should just be happy Madgette didn't use any Tae-kwon-do moves on her!
Original Post:
Today has been a traumatic day for Madgette. She has been in the school environment since she was 2. The only behavior color she has ever gotten has been green which is the best color you can get. She has never, I repeat never, gotten in trouble at school. Today was a different story. For the last 2-3 months she has been coming home telling us about a certain little girl who is in her class. For the purposes of this story let's call her betty bully (BB). Well, BB has had quite a few run-ins with the law (the teachers and administrators).
BB has spent several days this year in "in-school suspension" because of various crimes committed to other students and to her teacher. BB seems to have no motivation to behave like a regular law abiding citizen. Today, Madgette was assigned the glorious position of caboose for her class when they are moving about the building. If you know me very well, you know that I love to have a title--anything will do-- and when I get that title, I take my position very seriously. Obviously, my daughter has the same affliction.
BB waited for the teacher to get out of sight when the class turned the corner, then made her move. She attempted to take over the position of caboose. Oh boy, that did not go over well with Madgette. They took several turns going to be last position in the line, then Madgette finally reached her breaking point. Months of being teased and bullied all came to a head. Madgette shoved the other little girl and told her to get out of her spot. A shoving match ensued, and the other little girl pulled Madison's pinky (which Madgette had surgury on at the age of 2).
Needless to say, Madgette came home with her very first red frowny face. We are attempting to schedule a parent teacher conference for tomorrow. We will see how this all turns out.

Want to know what my dad, the former elementary principal asked her? "Madgette, did you win? If your gonna fight at school, you at least better win!"


Barbara said...

I agree with your Dad on this one. And BB better be glad I wasn't there to "snatch her pinky"!! Or something worse!!

Anonymous said...

Yes. If Madgette shoved her then there is no doubt in my mind that bitch needed it.

This weekend I am going to work on her right hook.

Barbara said...

I just had to come back on this one. Tae kwando moves sound good to me. I'm all about taking up for yourself. Go Momma Pug!!

Momma Pug said...

Yes, karate chop that little witch! Nana and I agree!