Sunday, February 22, 2009


UPDATE: I returned the less expensive book since I still had the receipt for it. However, I will stick to my word. I will NEVER spend even one penny in ANY Barnes and Nobles for the rest of my life!

ORIGNAL POST: I am highly pissed right now. It is a rather rare occurance these days that something can truly get my dander up, but boy they have! I went in about 2 weeks ago to purchase several books for my principal certification courses and was disappointed to find out that they only carried ONE of the eight books I needed. As we went out to search for the one book, we came up fruitless. One of the employees was able to locate it in the back book room. It had been entered in the system but not placed on the floor. She went and got it, and it had not even been removed from the shrink wrap. As I went to purchase my book, I decided to renew my membership for another year. This added another $25 to my total for the day.

I was lucky enough to find another copy of the book for half the cost at another store. Today I went to go return my brand new shrink wrapped book and I was told NO. I had misplaced my receipt so there was nothing they could do for me. --Now let's think about this for one moment. They have a database of my information that they tap into each and every time I make a purchase! They cannot pull up my data, and give me my money back?

Someone in charge was called to deal with me since I was not accepting what the poor guy at the cashier stand was telling me. She continued to tell me that there was nothing she could do. That was store policy. However, she could make an EXCEPTION for me and give me a store credit! An EXCEPTION!!! They will give me a special allowance of a store credit. I told her I did not want a store credit- I wanted my money back. She said the only one who could authorize that was the store manager. Of course, I asked for the store manager. He was on vacation (imagine that) and no one in the whole store knew how to get ahold of him. NO ONE!

I told her that the entire policy was a bunch of crap. (Keep in mind that this was the strongest language I used-- Madgette was with me) She had the nerve to ask me to watch my language! I said, "Excuse me?" because I was sure that was not what she said. She repeated herself and told me that they had children in the store. Then my smartass side started to show up. I told her that I had a child of my own, and that I had not used any bad words. Of course, if she needed me to, I definitely could. I also asked her if she needed to call security- to go ahead. This was the most ridiculous policy on the planet- especially when people are paying them for a member ship! They are one of the largest bookselling chains in the country, and they treat their customers this way! I told her I wanted to be completely removed from their system. I was a loyal customer before, and had spent several hundred dollars there in books for my classroom, but they would never see another penny of money from me or anyone I know.

So I implore each and every one of you-- do not shop at Barnes and Nobles! Shop at your local mom and pop bookstore, or visit, but do not shop at Barnes and Nobles---- they SUCK!!!

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Books A Million and Bookland accept the same membership card and will do everything they can to make you happy. We don't have a Mom and Pop book store here [as you know] but I do not like B & N either!!