Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hello Again!

I am sorry that it has been so long since I have posted last. There has been a lot going on at the Madge...and a half home (as usual). First, I have bronchitis and have been hacking away with that and taking lots of medicine to try and get over it.
Second, we attended the Livestock show this weekend and the girls had a blast. In the future, we will know that we need to attend more than one day. There is just to much to do and see for only a one day trip.
Sunday I stayed home to get some rest, get caught up on laundry, and get some work done for my classes. I was able to get a couple of assignments done. Now I just need to get 2 more assignments completed and I will be done with this course. I really need someone (or more than one) to start bothering me about getting my classes done more quickly.
Last night I attended our school board meeting, and was approved as an Assistant Principal for next year. If I was any more excited about this new opportunity, I think I might explode. The funny thing is, I said I was not going to be a teacher. That slowly became "Well, I might be a teacher, but I will NEVER be a principal!" Now look at me. It just shows that you should never say never.

I still need to post the pictures- at least a few- of the trip to MS. I hope to get that done by this weekend. Madgette has a ballgame on Thursday and Saturday, so it will be a fast end to the week. Did I mention that they won their first game 13-5? Madgette is playing the position of catcher and seems to enjoy it. She liked it even more when she found out that she could take the catcher's mask off and drop it on the ground when the ball comes her way. Gotta love a girl and her drama!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your confirmed position, proud of you, knew you could do anything you put your mind to. Razorback can too, proud of him also. Miss madge and a half very much.

Chonda said...

CONGRATS ON the ap job! Can't wait to see some more MS pictures...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the AP position! I never would have thought you would end up in education. However, you should have learned from me never to say never. How many times did I say "He** will freeze before I will go in the classroom!" Well, apparently it is good and solid, because I have been here 9 years now! Avis

Madge said...

I have changed so much since I was in high school that sometimes it's hard for even me to believe. It seems like I was a totally different person then. Ask Momma pug or catfish-- they will definitely back me up on this one!