Monday, January 12, 2009

Another Day

My back was SO much better last week. When I went to bed Friday night, it was fine. When I woke up Saturday morning, I could barely get up. I tried to take it easy throughout the weekend, and went to work today like a normal working gal. By the time I had gotten to my second class I had to take a muscle spasm pill. I completed that class, ate my lunch, then went to cafeteria duty. By the time I went back to my classroom I was ready to call it quits. I finally gave up on doing any work and just laid down flat on the floor. I probably laid there for 15-20 minutes. The P.E. Coach walked in and says "What are you doing?" because I am sure I looked a little odd laid out on the floor.
When the Razorback came back to campus that afternoon he brought me some Ibuprofen to help with the inflammation and that did help. I was able to make it 'till the end of the day. He saw me out doing my car rider duty and fussed at me because he loves me. Tonight I had an appt. with the chiropractor and when I explained how I was hurting again, he examined me and told me if it doesn't get better and I "keep acting up" he would be sending me to get an MRI to see if there was something else going on.
That kind of scares me. But, so does the idea of having an SI joint injury. I have been reading about these injuries and the internet makes it sound like people never get over this. People are online talking about getting shots in the joint, having their pelvis screwed into their spine, having nerves burned away every few years, etc. All of those things are extremely scary to me. So when you go to say your nightly prayers, please pray for my back/spine. I am very worried and still hurting...


Anonymous said...

Will indeed pray for prompt relief and a more hopeful prognosis! Take good care of yourself.

Momma Pug said...

You and me and our circus freak bodies. I swear, Madge, our old husbands are going to be dancing jigs at our funerals.

I am praying you feel better, my friend. I hate that you are in such pain.

Barbara said...

Why is it that parts of our bodies are wearing out faster than others? All of it is the same age!! Praying you get better soon!!

Chonda said...

Madge, I can honestly say I feel your pain...Especially this weekend also...I'll pray for US!!! If you find a sure enough form of relief, PLEASE let me know!!