Friday, January 23, 2009


We have all heard the phrase from time to time, but the end of the school day today just could not come fast enough. I truly love my work, but this week has been insanely crazy. Starting with the ER visit, then the inauguration and all the logistics of 700 kids watching it, the Razorback getting sick, Madgette performing in front of the school board, and Julie's first tennis match.
The kids acted today like they had no idea what the word "whisper" meant, much less "be quiet." They were ready for the weekend, and so was I. Fortunately, the Razorback is no longer running a fever which makes us all happy. We have no plans this weekend except the quarterly gathering of the FC transplant club plus a few other weirdo's who fit into our odd little fray (hi tree!)
There really is something to be said for a weekend without plans. We are all really looking forward to our chance to be bums!


Stephenie said...

FC Transplant Club? That sounds very interesting....Are there really that many in the grand state of Texas (isn't that where you are?) Hope you have a terrific weekend!

Momma Pug said...

MADGE. It is time for a new post!

Momma Pug said...

PS I love you, my oldest friend.