Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Over Achievers

Does everyone have a little bit of an overachiever buried deep down in them? Or are some of us just blessed with a little extra helping?

I am going back into the classroom tomorrow to teach a science lesson and of course will be using technology during it also. But, I am such an overachiever I want it (totally expect it) to go completely perfect. I have planned group activities, whole group experiments, video clips, and a short quiz with a classroom response system (remote controls for each student). I am really looking forward to it, and hope that this will be a lesson that also motivates the teacher I will be modeling it for.

I want to be effective and motivating in everything I do. A collegue kindly pointed out for me this morning that I was anal. Maybe so... or maybe I was just given a little extra helping of overachiever!


Anonymous said...

now your just tempting fate....never point out what you plan to do ESPECIALLY when technology is concerned. Normally it's easier to sneak up on any technological situation and take it by surprise. - P

Momma Pug said...

People that call us anal are generally those who don't value perfection.

I wear my "anal", "controlling" and "perfectionist" titles as a badge of honor!

Love you sis.