Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What Does the Future Hold?

I sometimes marvel at the fact that the Razorback and I have already been married for 9 years. We have both changed each other for the better over these years. He has decided to go back to school and get a formal education rather than his education from the school of hard knocks. I am so proud of him. Since he has made this decision, he has applied himself and has a 4.0! Did I say I was SO proud of him?
Madgette is turning into the performer this year. You would think she was going to a magnet school for theater arts! If I had to tell you what she will be when she grows up (based on her actions at this moment) I would tell you she was going to be an award winning movie star that is adored by her audience. Thank goodness I know she will change many times before she is grown up and has to choose a career. Does anyone else ever wonder what their child will be when they grow up?
As for me, I am extremely happy where I work. I have my Master's degree and am working on my principal certification. Who would have ever thought I would follow in my father's footsteps? I definitely didn't! Hopefully in the future I will secure a position as an AP and eventually (not anytime soon) a head principal.
The future looks bright for our family--by this Christmas The Razorback will have his certification and his Associate's. Madgette will be a year older, and I will be a happy momma! The only other thing that I can hope is that our plans will be the plans that God has for us.

And they all lived happily ever after.
The End


Chonda said...

well spoken! AMEN!

Barbara said...

Sounds very good to me. Keep up the good work. Love to you.